Friday, September 24, 2021

Week 8 Workbook

This is my workbook from last week because i'm too slack to do this weeks  

Friday, August 6, 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

Crocodiles report

INTRO:  This term we have been doing reports. I have chose to do mine on crocodiles. Here is my report. If you had to write a report, what would you choose to do it on? 


During the mesozoic era , about 100 million years ago, the Crocodiles order was one of the top animals on the food chain. Today, crocodiles are found in the tropical habitats of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas. They normally live near lakes, rivers, wetlands and even some saltwater regions.

Is This a 28-Foot-Long Crocodile That Was Killed in Australia in 1957? |

Ancient crocs:

 Ancient crocodiles had the specialized glands necessary to swim and survive in saltwater and may 

have snacked on sea turtles along the way. As a changing climate wiped out local species, crocodiles were well adapted to the late-Miocene environment and replaced them, the researchers write in the paper.

Conclusion: As you can see crocodiles are amazing creatures that have descended from dinosaurs.And were top of food chain 150 million years ago. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

All about me

 This term in term 1 we are working on all about me.All about me is getting to know all your classmates in a fun way.This is a subject on all about me it is a small poem.       

Friday, November 6, 2020

Spanish Flu Site

This week we started a new literacy topic which was either space or NZ disasters, I have chosen NZ disasters. This is my site about the Spanish Flu


Friday, October 30, 2020

Lockdown Writing Week 3 Term 4 2020


My lockdown writing 

It all started with coronavirus. It was completely different for everyone  but for me it was paradise best of all my online school work ended at 12 o'clock on the dot. And then it was free-time that means walks outside playing with the dogs.  But for me I actually really enjoyed lockdown but I wasn't even at this school when lockdown was even a thing. But I didn't think  anything could get better but I could get on my motorbike a lot more and even better. I have a home made motor bike track and  my dad and my mum and my brother helped me a lot and that is my experience of lockdown.

Explanation Writing Week 3 Term 4 2020


 [How does Thunder and Lightning happen?


Thunder is loud, can frighten pets and is dangerous near water.

Thunder and lightning is noisy, bright and can be dangerous.

But how is it caused?

  1. How does Thunder make noise?

Thunder is caused by lightning. When a lightning bolt travels from the cloud to the ground it actually opens up a little hole in the air, called a channel. Once then light is gone the air collapses back in and creates a sound wave that we hear as thunder.

  1. How does lightning get colour?

Lightning color is caused by light emitted as the electrons drop back to their original energy. 

Seen from above, lightning storms also produce less

well known colors can be seen, different types of blue or red light above clouds. Known as jets and sprites.

  1. Why is lightning dangerous near water?

Lightning strikes are not  only dangerous but are deadly.

A direct strike is not the only way a lightning bolt can kill.

When lightning strikes land, it spreads through  the surrounding ground . We know that water is a good conductor of electricity. So if lightning hits water,  it will create a current of electricity. 


Lightning is dangerous near water and thunder can make loud noise

Week 8 Workbook

This is my workbook from last week because i'm too slack to do this weeks